DRCA Letter to City on Walgreens

Walgreens-storeThe Del Ray Citizens Association Executive Board and Land Use Committee appreciates the City’s support for locally-owned businesses in Del Ray as well as the efforts of the Mayor and the Planning Staff to dissuade PECO NNN Development from leasing the retail space located at 1517 Mount Vernon Avenue to a national retailer.

We understand that Walgreens finds Del Ray an attractive place to do business and would like to work with the developer and retailer to ensure the independent spirit and one-of-a-kind character of the community is maintained. The Mount Vernon Avenue Business Area Plan provides a strong framework for understanding the vision for Del Ray – a vibrant and welcoming Main Street… with an eclectic and friendly living, working and shopping environment. Located in the heart of the Monroe Gateway district, the proposed Walgreens site is a pivotal node in the streetscape experience.

When developing a site in Del Ray, the Mount Vernon Avenue Urban Design Guidelines
guidelines should be top-of-mind.

  • Build upon and enhance the existing pedestrian orientation of the Avenue and improve pedestrian safety through pedestrian scale lighting, outdoor seating, landscaping and crosswalk improvements;
  • Develop signage and exterior improvements such as awnings and murals that are consistent with the Art Deco-style of the building;
  • Encourage walking and bicycling by providing streetscape improvements and bicycle racks;
  • Engage the ground level retail storefronts in the vitality of the streetscape and the pedestrian experience.