Reasons to join:
Stay informed about the neighborhood. DRCA’s monthly meetings & newsletters are great ways to hear about new land use issues, safety, transportation, volunteer opportunities, events, and more.
Advocate before the city.The DRCA advocates for issues important to our community in various city forums, such as the Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, and City Council.
Vote on DRCA actions. Do you want to support the expansion of your favorite Mount Vernon Avenue restaurant’s outdoor seating? As a DRCA member, you’ll be part of the discussion and decision to submit a letter from the community in support of that application.
Feel a sense of community. Del Ray is a special place, and while everyone has their own variety of reasons for living here, the feel of the neighborhood is surely a reason that we all share. The DRCA helps to maintain that atmosphere.
How we use Membership Dues:
Membership dues support various community events and organizations. The DRCA uses dues to host events that bring neighbors together. Most of DRCA’s regular events raise money to benefit local nonprofits and Del Ray community projects.
The DRCA also helps support a number of community events throughout the year, such as the Halloween parade, Art on the Avenue, and the Turkey Trot.
The annual budget is approved by members at the September meeting, with additional sponsorships and expenditures determined throughout the year.