City budget meetings scheduled

The City Council will hold a pubic hearing on the city‘s proposed fiscal year 2015 budget tomorrow (Monday, March 10) beginning at 4 p.m. in the Council chambers at City Hall. You can sign up to speak online at the city’s website, call the City Clerk’s office in advance, or fill out a form at City Hall. The budget hearing can be very long, with many speakers, so it is worth calling the City Clerk’s office to get a sense of where you will be on the speaker list. Speakers are typically given three minutes to speak, but Council members sometimes ask questions that prolong the hearing.

In addition to the budget hearing, City Manager Rashad M. Young will host a public presentation of the budget on Monday, March 17, 6:30 p.m. at Beatley Central Library.

Following his presentation, Young will answer questions. A live stream of the event will be broadcast on AlexTV (Channel 70) and online at

For more information on the proposed budget or to view the entire document, visit