Better Late than Never! Meeting Minutes from the March Membership Meeting

Del Ray Citizens Association Meeting Minutes

March 10, 2014 @ 7:30pm


  • Police Report
  • Membership Votes Needed
  • Committee Updates
  • Announcements
  • Special Program: Charitable Giving and Volunteering in Del Ray

Association President Bill Hendrick called the March general membership meeting to order at 7:40pm.

Police Report: Captain Scott Ogden

Part I crime stats for the DRCA area for this time this year vs last:

  • 11% under in crime
  • city is 13% under

Captain Ogden reminded attendees of the upcoming Police exams regularly administered for the police department. There is no age limit,a medical health exam toward end of it. He encouraged anyone who has history of police work to take test. The first test is this Thursday, others to come later in the month. Check PD website for details. PD offers competitive salaries, benefits and pension.

Captain Ogden gave a review of press conference on Thursday on Lodato homicide. Due to updated information from forensics report from forensic science division, a press conference was held. The PD is examining bullets recovered from scene, cannot conclusively link all three cases together (Nancy Dunning & Ron Kirby cases). Rounds recovered in all 3 cases – same general rifling characteristics when examined but not conclusive enough to say they are linked. They have gotten over 1100 tips since homicide occurred and are looking at every lead and tip that they get. Press conference is on city website for viewing as well as phone number and email for tip line. Caretaker that was shot and survived does not know what the suspect looked like without a beard – composite is what suspect looked like at time of crime.

President Bill Hendrick then discussed the need for membership votes for three items, but noted that not enough members were present to vote.

  • Police memorial contribution
  • Simpson Park support and letter
  • Vice President definitions

Police Memorial Contribution: Foundation wants to raise 300k to build a memorial for all fallen officers. Three speakers took the floor to explain the memorial, including Pat Miller – owner of Show of Hands, lives in Del Ray, member for many years, member of Alexandria police foundation, William Pollock – chair of police foundation and Jenny Hill, a full-time volunteer and executive director of Charles Hill Park (she was his wife). They handed out a rendering of what memorial will look like and are hoping to have it constructed this summer. They noted it has been a long time in the making, is very important to the PD. 18 officers killed in line of duty, while making city a very safe and quality place to live.They have just started to reach out to citizen associations – great response to getting on the dockets. 30+ have agreed to invite them. Business associations are also supporting. They have collected $150k so far.HDR is the architecture firm – designed current (new) police HQ – doing it at cost.Whiting Turner is also doing it at cost, so a lot of pro bono work. They are requested donations to make it become a reality

Police HQ is on Wheeler, park will be right in front of HQ. 80×40 ft space with

8 feet tall glass panels – officers names will be etched into them. Variety of blocks signifying timelines of when officers were killed going back to 1860 timeframe. Will also include blue lighting on it at night. No residences around the area but will be helpful to police department. Individuals can go to – Spring2Action (April 9th). Donation that would count for April 9th.

Drop dead to be on donor wall is May 1.


The group opted to wait for a quorum to vote on the DRCA donating to the memorial. Possibly a vote via website.


Support for the proposed improvement plan for Simpson park

Bill discussed that the Simpson Park proposal is going to city council on March 20th and said he felt it would be worthwhile to send a letter to council indicated support for the plan. Certain parts of draft plan focused on making it a neighborhood-oriented park. Folks come from all over city to play sports, etc. We should be taking position where we’re supporting and emphasizing to council the neighborhood oriented aspects of park:

  • Renovation and expansion of playground
  • Open space (for more informal activities like picnics and Frisbee)
  • Informal use of soccer fields when organized teams not playing
  • Improving to entrances, pathways through park, dog park improvements

Bill suggested asked if there were any objections to him writing a letter to endorse Simpson Park improvements. No objections. Staff has requested that DRCA work with them on design of pathways to plant trees. We could solicit donations in the community and seek to match with city funds. Playground will be expanded and renovated in fiscal 2015, proposal for renovating passive open space. Staff has said they think they could design both of them simultaneously. May be some opportunities for the DRCA to do fundraising to pay for the passive space which will include elements for natural play activities and older kids.



Proposal to change the bylaws

Finally, Bill said that the board would like to vote on making the responsibilities of the 3 vice presidents more specific. Current responsibilities are pretty vague. Proposed focus areas for positions:

  • 1st: policy (city issues, making members aware of those that affect Del Ray, develop policy positions)
  • 2nd: programs (work with President to develop programs for meetings and events, develop new events
  • 3rd: memberships (work on maintaining and building membership)



On to the Announcements…


Jonathan Krall – 2 petitions were passed around to be signed


1st petition: Protect Antibiotics from Factory Farm Abuse. Try to get city council to have non-binding resolution to get antibiotics out of food to demonstrate grassroots support to get Jim Kane and John Warner off the fence. 80% of antibiotics used in country are fed to animals for food – when you overuse you get superbugs (not a good thing).



2nd petition: regarding King St bike lanes. An anti-bike lane petition has been posted all over the city, so we have the opportunity to sign a petition in favor of bike lanes (even though not in Del Ray, want to support with votes). When streets are redesigned, behavior changes. Lanes will be narrowed, people will slow down. Bike lanes will connect a neighborhood to metro station. When people drive and see cyclists, they slow down. Safety in numbers effect. Build bike lanes, drive up # of cyclists, # of injuries does not increase – more cyclists means more safety on the street. Capital bike share is coming too, would be more dangerous not to have the new lanes to support cyclists.



Jay Nestlerode – Pedestrian/Traffic Committee Updates:

Jay mentioned that the same city people working on the King St. bike lanes are also working on Monroe Ave plan. Next meeting is scheduled for April 15th, hoping to have them there. Meeting is at Mt Vernon Rec Center.


Land Use Committee Updates

This week’s meeting is on Thursday, they will be discussing Oakville Triangle development, and the developer is coming to speak with them. Last meeting was last week – met with the city staff and they said attempt to put together advisory committee for project. Need 9-10 citizens. Each of the local associations can put forth one member, and we need to decide who that is to represent DRCA. Go to the Thursday meeting to get more info. Representative should be an active member on land use committee as well so they can share updates at both committee meetings and citizen association meetings


Simpson Park clean-up is done monthly. Group clean-ups start in April. Please pick up any garbage – she has pick up sticks available for anyone who needs them. We receive $ from city to use in park if we take good care of parks – taken care of by us.


Del Ray Artisans

Portraits of Pop culture

Artists have come up with unique and original pieces – opening just occurred, runs through March 30th. During show – fundraiser – Heads Up. Styrofoam heads given to artists to create one of a kind pieces up for silent auction.


Velocity will support a pit stop at Del Ray Calosanto parking lot be a bike to work day stop (May 16th).


2014 Del Ray House Tour

Sat May 10th

10 houses on the tour and 3 special additions this year

  • Featured garden
  • Special project house – house will be followed for several house tours. Young couple bought a house that wasn’t in great shape, renovating themselves. Will follow the progress over a 6 year time period
  • DR Methodist church will be official hospitality center – drinks/food/tent/facilities open to public – will give tours of their sanctuary. Goes back to 1800s.

Tix available now online for $20


Guest Speaker Program: Charitable Giving and Volunteer Opportunities



John Porter – Executive Director Act for Alexandria

Getting involved

Many are in need in Alexandria – families and children. Act for Alexandria is a community foundation – connect donors with causes and help non-profits by giving grants to help them increase capacity to provide their services. Spring 2 Action event – a day of giving online. Work with nonprofits to engage people to get them to donate online.

One of the most giving cities online in the nation (we’ve been #1 and 2) – HQ for many national non-profits are based here.

April 9th will be the date for Spring 2 Action this year.

  • 1st year helped nonprofits raise $104k
  • 2nd year $330k
  • last year $660k
  • goal this year is $1M

The organization helps nonprofits use social media and technology to increase/enhance donations. Gaming theory – prize money provided for varying goals reached. John mentioned that May 12 will be a beer & BBQ event to celebrate 10th year of organization.


Marion – Volunteer Alexandria

Local volunteer center – formally known as Volunteer Bureau. 34 years old, rely on volunteers. Work with nonprofits to help them support their programs and services by making connections between communities and volunteers. Nonprofits enter their needs online, and individuals can go in and look at the opportunities that are available. Nonprofit training, how to engage all volunteers and help them get involved.




Community Service/Volunteer Day in Alexandria on May 16th


$25 fee – goes to tools and materials for projects

sign up online:


Business Philanthropy Summit on May 7th

Connected businesses with nonprofits

Good 360 president will present, one of the power-women at HP


Spring for Alexandria – city is partnering with them to keep it going



The meeting adjourned at 9:15. Thank you for reading this far!


Please feel free to send meeting minute comments/feedback to [email protected]