March 2015 Land Use Meeting Agenda

Please join us for the Land Use Committee meeting this Tuesday, March 10 at 7:00pm at the Mount Vernon Recreation Center, 2701 Commonwealth Ave to discuss the following neighborhood items:

Historic Town of Potomac Presentation & Update on Del Ray Pattern Book
Stephanie Sample, Historic Preservation, Planner III, Dept. of P&Z
Come learn how to determine if your house is a contributing structure to the Historic Town of Potomac and how it could impact a decision made by the Board of Zoning Appeals for a possible Special Exception or Variance Request if you decide to do an addition or renovation.

Arlandria Floors Building Redevelopment Update and Presentation
Special Use Permit #2015-0009 2802 Russell Road
Request to construct a new single-family dwelling, on a developed substandard lot; zoned R-8/Residential Single-Family.
Applicant: Elias Voces
Application Materials

Preliminary Discussion of Oakville Triangle- Mount Jefferson Greenway
If you are unable to attend the Cities Oakville Triangle Meeting Scheduled for March 12 at 7:00pm, come to the Land Use Committee meeting to share your comments and questions with the DRCA representative, Ben Flood. We will be discussing the Draft Plan for the Mount Jefferson Greenway.
Draft Plan