The following items are on the Land Use Committee’s agenda for its March 8th Meeting at the Mt. Vernon Rec Center. All are welcome to attend and provide comments.
a. 2003A Mt. Vernon Ave, Dolce & Bean, Coffee & Ice Cream Shop, SUP #2016-0008
SUP application for a coffee, pastry and ice cream restaurant with outdoor seating and request for a parking reduction of one space. Petros Ghebre-Egziabher, applicant. Sara Brandt-Vorel, Staff Reviewer.
b. 2509 Leslie Avenue, BZA #2016-0002.Variance to construct second story addition onto an existing non-compliant residence that will continue to project into the required front yards along Randolph Ave and Leslie Ave and continue to maintain the existing non-compliant side yard along the south side of the property. Benjamin Lievestro & Joanna Biernacka- Lievestro, applicants. Peter Leiberg, Staff Reviewer