Membership Meeting Minutes-January 13, 2016

  • Call to order, 7:35 p.m. Reingold Building (433 East Monroe Ave) conference room.
  • Agenda Items
    • Police report
    • Land Use Report
    • Parking Matters in Del Ray
    • Announcements

  • Alexandria Police Report
    • Arrest made in two recent homicides, no further comment regarding whether it was gang-related.
  • Land Use Committee Report, Lisa Quandt, 2nd Vice-President, DRCA
    • Lisa explained the LUC process, from SUP application, through LUC research and review, recommendation that are brought to the membership before a DRCA recommendation is presented to the Planning Commission.
    • Currently LUC meets the night before (second Tuesday of month) the DRCA membership meeting (second Wednesday of month). It has been suggested that the membership meeting be moved to the third week of the month, so LUC would have more time to prepare a report to membership and  be able to incorporate membership input before representing DRCA at Planning Commission.
    • LUC will present a motion at February meeting for a vote.
  • Parking Matters in Del Ray
    • Guest Speakers: Katye North,  Principal Planner Transportation Planning.  Alexandria Transportation & Environmental Services; Alex Dambach, Division Chief, Land Use Services; Steve Sindiong, Acting Transportation Planning Division Chief
    • Del Ray parking survey 2012 (data from 2010) examined the area from Clifford to Glendale, roughly one block east and west of Mount Vernon Avenue.
      • See full Del Ray Parking Study report online.
      • Highlights:
        • Inventory
          • 1099 on-street, 810 off-street
          • Only 19 off-street are public
          • 567 private, 224 “public/private”
          • Overall on-street parking peaks at 64%, on Mt. Vernon  70%
          • Turnover under 2 hours
        • Recommendations
          • Create some short-term 60-min convenience parking spots, between Bellefonte and Oxford (area of peak demand).
          • Repurpose unused curb-cuts and underused taxi stands for parking.
          • Implement way-finding to direct parkers to pooled parking resources.
          • When occupancy reaches 85%…
            • Consider paid parking (meters): Businesses are concerned the loss of free parking will discourage customers. Residents worry that meters will amplify problems on adjacent side streets.
            • Implement permit parking for residential streets. Some resident parking districts already exist but without permit requirement. Permit parking requires a certain percentage of residents agreeing to permit parking and then paying annual for a parking permit.
              (According to study, only “one residential street that is restricted to residential permit parking”)
        • Questions, suggestions, observations from DRCA members:
          • Development permits with parking reductions should prohibit parking district participation.
          • Enforcement (specifically blocking driveways on side-streets near the Avenue)
          • Solutions that depend on enforcement not helpful if enforcement is spotty
          • 2010 study wrong. We need better data! We have different businesses on the Avenue in 2016. More restaurants.
          • How is traffic factored in to parking plan?
          • Special Use Permit businesses: Parking needs of staff and customers evaluated?
          • Why is parking permitted at bus stops?
          • Is the Potomac Square parking lot shareable?
          • Shared parking experiment with Bellies and Babies failed
          • Private lot owners may be concerned about liability
          • Deliveries are problematic when people are parking in loading zones
          • Parking study doesn’t seem capture peak usage:
            • Mind the Mat can have 80 people in a class. Where do they all park?
            • Montessori School drop-off insanity on Windsor
  • Announcements
    • DRCA Chili Cook Off: Saturday, February 20 at Commonwealth Academy
    • DRCA House and Garden Tour: Saturday, May 7
    • Del Ray Artisans: Current show True Colors (January). Next show: All aBoard  (February)