Membership Meeting Minutes-March 9, 2016

  • Call to order, 7:33 pm
  • Agenda Items
    • Welcome
    • Alexandria Police Report
    • Del Ray House & Garden Tour Update
    • Ad Hoc North Potomac Yard Advisory Group
    • La Bella Strada Funding Request
    • Land Use Committee Report
    • Meeting Date Move
    • 220KV Power Line Update
    • Parking Meeting Follow-up
    • Nominations & Elections Committee Report
    • Announcements

  • Welcome, Jay Nestlerode, DRCA President
    • Looking for new Board members
  • Alexandria Police Report, Lt  Dennis Andreas
    • Crime down 20% citywide weather-related
    • Sector 2/Del Ray down 20% too
      • 4 part 1 offenses
        • Commercial robbery 7-11
        • Petty larceny at Walgreens
        • GWMS assault involving juveniles
        • Braddock daylight burglary
          • Door off track
          • Reminder: Lock doors before leaving home
        • No larcenies from autos
    • Reports of Tax scams
      • Proxy filings
      • IRS/Microsoft impostors
    • Complaint about Speed bumps on Monroe Avenue
      • Recommended: All complaints to Call-Click-Connect service
      • Lisa Quandt already CCC’ed
  • Del Ray House & Garden Tour Update, Bea Robinson & Barb DeMerse, Co-Chairs
    • History, first tour started by Bill Hendrickson
    • Proceeds have gone to the Alexandria Scholarship Fund, Judy Lowe Park improvements
    • This year’s tour:
      • 11 houses: Custis and Commonwealth; rowhouses near Reingold
      • 2 encores: 9 East Del Ray, and Quandt house Monroe  (work in progress)
      • More green features
      • Promotion of Del Ray  Pattern Book
      • Greenstreet a venue for ticket sales this year, in addition to Miller Square
      • Mount Vernon Community School plans a garden bazaar
      • [Del Ray Artisans is holding its annual outdoor Spring Art Market at the Colasanto Center]
      • Chas Harris seeking volunteers to serve as docents (house hosting)
      • Sales begin mid-April
      • Looking for new leadership for the 2018 tour
  • Ad Hoc North Potomac Yard Advisory Group
    • Two plans 1999 and 2010, current plan undergoing revision with citizen input
    • Bill Hendrickson, past DRCA President presented as candidate to represent DRCA at table
    • Rod Kuckro moved to appoint Bill to be DRCA representative, seconded by Marlin Lord, Motion carried with no nays and no abstentions.
  • La Bella Strada Funding Request
    • Street art event on  May 14
    • Benefits the Del Ray Montessori School, request  from February meeting for $500 to help sponsor event
    • Gayle Reuther moved to sponsor event for $500, seconded by Jon Quandt, motion carries.
    • DRCA mug given to DRMS
  • Land Use Committee Report, Sarah Haut & Lisa Quandt
    • ASUP: Dolce & Bean Coffee and Ice Cream Shop
      • 2003A (former Artfully Chocolate site) to  7am-11pm
      • Outdoor seating to contribute to vibrancy of Avenue
      • No SUP because adequate parking in back,
    • 2509 Leslie (by Stewart)
      • Tear-down, rebuild
      • Lord: “show them the pattern  book”
      • Motion: Send letter requesting deferral to BZA
        • Motion carried; no objection
  • Matching Funds for Park, Jim Snyder, chair Adopt-a-Park
    • Finding matching funds from Parks, make our parks better
    • $3000 from adopt-a-park
    • Leverage improvements at Lowe Park (irrigation?)
    • Adopt-a-Park kickoff meeting, March 15
    • Volunteer meeting soon
    • Send email to [email protected]
    • More trees for Gayle and a thank-you to the Sheriff’s Dept for Commonwealth
  • Dominion 220KV Power Line Update, Jay Nestlerode, DRCA President
    • Several option still on the table,
    • Public meeting in April
  • Traffic Meeting Follow-up Meeting with Transportation & Environmental Services, Jay Nestlerode, DRCA President
    •  Biggest issue on horizon: Oakville 1.5M sf. unbundled parking.
    • Propose new parking districts?
    • 5 new parking enforcement officers.
    • Painted parking outlines?
      • Former Custis resident thinks parking outlines tacky
    • “Paint does not work, signs don’t work!”
    •  Dog run problem at Mt Jefferson Park
  • Nominations & Elections Committee
    • Any interest in serving on 2016-2017 Board? Please contact Tim Herbert
  • Membership Meeting Date Move
    • Move meeting to third Wednesday allows for more membership input into the LUC process
    • Problem: Thanksgiving, Christmas holidays can be a distraction to attendance.
    • Can DRCA vote twice, differently?
    • Gayle Reuter moved to table motion. Motion carried.
  •  Announcements
    • House & Garden Tour, May 7: Don’t forget (and volunteer if you can)!
    • National Night Oout, August 2
      • Need a volunteer to coordinate
    • Del Ray Artisans
      • Shows:
        • March Melee
        • Creatures of the Sea, open April 1
        • Gallery without Wall: Around the Next Corner at the Vola Lawson Animal Shelter
        • Spring2Action, one-day online giving event for non-profits in Alexandria: April 20
          • Del Ray Artisans would appreciate support
    • Del Ray Business Association
      • Support  Spring2Action! April 20
      • First First Thursday scheduled for April 7 [since rescheduled for April 14]
  • Adjournment, 9:06 pm