Membership Meeting Minutes-October 14, 2020

  1. Welcome & Introductions, Virginia Bush, DRCA President
  2. Alexandria Police Department, Capt. Dennis Andreas
  3. Alexandria Sheriff’s Office, Lt. Sean Casey
  4. DRCA Committees Reports
  5. Special presentation on Virginia Question 1: Redistricting Amendment, guests Virginia State Delegate Mark Levine and Robert Barnet, Virginia NAACP
  6. Announcements
  7. Adjourn

  1. Welcome & Introductions, Virginia Bush, DRCA President
  2. Alexandria Police Department, Capt. Dennis Andreas
    1. No trick-or-treating this year.
    2. Larcenies from vehicles continue to be a problem
    3. 300 block of Hume, firearm, still under investigation
  3. Alexandria Sheriff’s Office, Lt. Sean Casey
    1. Again: No traditional Halloween activities (i.e., trick-or-treating)
    2. For guidance, see
    3. ABLE project (Active Bystander Law Enforcement training)
  4. DRCA Committees
    1. Land Use Committee, Kristine Hesse
      1. Hot issue ADU (Auxiliary dwelling units)
        1. Feedback survey on City’s website
        2. Feedback meeting 10/22
    2. Adopt-a-Park, Peter Garafola
      1. Technical isses. Email [email protected]
  5. Debate on Virginia Question 1: Redistricting Amendment, guests Virginia State Delegate Mark Levine and Robert Barnet, Virginia NAACP. Greg Delawie from OneVirginia2021 was invited but could not attend.
    1. Del. Mark Levine, supports a no vote.
      1. Short history of gerrymandering
      2. Commission is set up, party leaders pick every one. Citizens should draw the lines.
      3. HB 1255-Bans gerrymander and protects communities of interest.
    2. Robert Barnette, Virginia NAACP
      1. Also supports no on amendment
      2. Overview of NAACP, a non-partisan 501c4
      3. Nonpartisan, “no permanent friends, but permanent issues”
    3. Questions?
      1. What if already voted?
      2. What happens if fails?
      3. What chances has amendment?
      4. How to redraw lines fairly?
  6. Announcements
    1. Del Ray Business Association
      1. Halloween 2020 competitions
        1. 10/25 deadline for nominations
        2. “Best Block” added
        3. No stroller this year, instead “Best Group”
      2. Business-Scavenger Hunt 10/25 (4 random winners)
      3. Costumes still needed this year:
        1. Amazon wish list (Stacy Biddinger)
      4. Turkey Trot 2020 is virtual
        1. 10% (only 500) airing for 2,500, to support DRBA, Alive
      5. Holiday activities still planned but with Covid-19 precautions in mind. Details to follow
    2. Art on the Avenue-Pat Miller
      1. Continues to December 25
      2. Lots of views
      3. Adding more artists
      4. Kids crafts
    3. Holiday Windows painting:
      1. Need painters
    4. Del Ray Artisans
      1. Gallery reduced hours Thurs, Fri 12-6, Sat 12-4
      2. 10 person limit in gallery. Masks required
      3. Current show in gallery: Living in a Mini World
      4. Next Show: 100th Anniversary of the 19th amendment
      5. December: 3 weekends of holiday markets
    5. Masks presentation, Kristen Gratton, DRCA Membership Director
      1. $10-12 cost, sells for 20, sells at Farmers Market
    6. DRCA November meeting: Don Beyer
  7. Adjourned: 8:30p.m.
