In a report last spring, the DRCA Nominations and Elections Committee recommended that the association revise its bylaws to clarify DRCA Executive Board member responsibilities.
Below is a proposal to at least partially implement this recommendation regarding the responsibilities of the three vice presidents. Currently, the responsibilities for these positions are very general in nature. The DRCA board is proposing that these positions be given more specific responsibilities in three areas where we need help: policy, programs, and membership.
We would no longer have first, second, and third vice presidents. Rather, we would have vice presidents for policy, programs, and membership. The vice president for policy would become president if a vacancy occurred.
We will present these changes at the membership meeting tomorrow for discussion.
The proposed revised text is below.
Vice President for Policy. The Vice President for Policy shall work with the President and other interested parties to keep abreast of developing city issues that may affect Del Ray and work to develop policy positions on these issues to be presented to the membership for a vote. The Vice President for Policy shall also preside at meetings of the Association in the absence of or at the request of the President; represent the Association as requested by the President; and perform such other duties as may be required.
Vice President for Programs. The Vice President for Programs shall work with the President and other interested parties on the program for the monthly membership meeting and on the coordination of existing and the development of new Association-sponsored events. The Vice President for Programs shall also preside at meetings in the absence of the President and Vice President for Policy, or at the request of the Vice President for Policy when acting as President; represent the Association at meetings of governmental agencies and civic associations; and perform other such duties as may be required.
Vice President for Membership. The Vice President for Membership shall be responsible for efforts to maintain and build membership in the Association, including activities such as promotional mailings, brochure distribution, and new member outreach. The Vice President for Membership shall also preside at meetings in the absence of the President, Vice President for Policy, and Vice President for Programs when acting as President; represent the Association at meetings of governmental agencies and civic associations; and perform other duties as may be required.
speaking of bylaws, in the bylaws, it is specified that a Nominations and Elections Committee shall be formed in order to establish a ballot of potential executive board members for the coming year. I think this needs to be up and running by the April Membership meeting. Has anyone put out the request for volunteers for this commitee?