March Membership Meeting Notes

DRCA – March 11, 2015

Meeting Called to Order at: 7:31PM        By: President Jay Nesterlode

  1. Aldi (new Tenant for current Giant space)
    1. Improvement to the building will be made
    2. The parking space will not be changed or altered
    3. Aldi will have plastic bags for sale (.10) – accept debit/cash, credit costs extra
    4. Aldi will rent carts (.25) which is refunded when it is return, will lend you a quarter if needed
    5. Will carry regional items and you can inquire about adding items


  1. Land Use Meeting
    1. Tear down of Russell Road house (2802 Russell Rd.)
      1. Presentation was viewed favorably by Land Use
      2. Land Use supported the SUP
  • SUP passes
  1. Historical buildings – renovations
    1. Finding out if your house is on a list
    2. Del Ray pattern book will be published soon (available online)
  2. Proposed redevelopment of Arlandria floors building
    1. 48 residential units
      1. Rental units as of now
    2. Retail along first floor (2000 sq ft of retail0
  • Parking below grade
  1. Some commercial parking
  2. Not a formal proposal yet


  1. Transportation and Environmental Service – Potomac Yard Metro
    1. Cusp of releasing the EIS to the public; key environmental issues
    2. Potomac Yard 235 acres – new development/neighborhoods/growth in prime core of the Washington D.C. area
    3. The each alternative for the metro station are presented and is available online
      1. Alternative B does fall on a scenic easement – owned by City/National Park Service
      2. Alternatives are in the EIS
    4. National Park Service is reviewing document; should be released in a few weeks
      1. Scenic easement would be public/not needed for station and be given to the National Park Service (Alternative B)
      2. Upgrades to Daingerfield Island
    5. Expensive project but Potomac Yard metro is being paid for by redevelopment in Potomac Yard; taxes raised in fund and bond issued against fund. Once city services are paid for, extra revenue to the pot. Virgina/Federal funding and loans ($50 million from Virginia) and seek another $70 million, second ranking of all projects in NOVA.
      1. Alternative B brings a great deal of money to city after the station is paid for
      2. In-fill stations have proven to pay for themselves and bring in more development (office space)(commercial taxes)
  • No parking/kiss-ride
  1. WMATA will have to vote to approve the station – confident that WMATA will support the station
  2. Open Houses will be held after the EIS
  3. Decision made in 2016/Opening in 2018/19.
  1. Ben Flood – Oakville Triangle
    1. Half way through the advisory process
    2. Available on website “Oakville Triangle” – Del Ray Citizens website link
    3. Building heights have been discussed/little taller than Fire Station
      1. Two 90 ft buildings planned/lots of pushback against that proposal
      2. Lynnhaven – 55ft tall building – lots of concern
    4. Upcoming meeting – March 26, 2015, Rec Center – Architecture primarily discussed and Mount Jefferson Park
  1. Announcements
    1. Saturday Social Event – 4PM-7PM; Del Ray Pizzeria – MARCH 21, 2015, BE THERE; Special Discounts for DRCA Members
    2. DRCA Chili Cook Off raised over $700 for Mount Vernon Playground
    3. Lots of stuff going on at Del Ray Artisans – check out their website
    4. First Thursday – Hat Day in Del Ray; April, starting early this year.
    5. I take excellent notes

Meeting adjourned at 9:13PM