DRCA – March 11, 2015
Meeting Called to Order at: 7:31PM By: President Jay Nesterlode
- Aldi (new Tenant for current Giant space)
- Improvement to the building will be made
- The parking space will not be changed or altered
- Aldi will have plastic bags for sale (.10) – accept debit/cash, credit costs extra
- Aldi will rent carts (.25) which is refunded when it is return, will lend you a quarter if needed
- Will carry regional items and you can inquire about adding items
- Land Use Meeting
- Tear down of Russell Road house (2802 Russell Rd.)
- Presentation was viewed favorably by Land Use
- Land Use supported the SUP
- Tear down of Russell Road house (2802 Russell Rd.)
- SUP passes
- Historical buildings – renovations
- Finding out if your house is on a list
- Del Ray pattern book will be published soon (available online)
- Proposed redevelopment of Arlandria floors building
- 48 residential units
- Rental units as of now
- Retail along first floor (2000 sq ft of retail0
- 48 residential units
- Parking below grade
- Some commercial parking
- Not a formal proposal yet
- Transportation and Environmental Service – Potomac Yard Metro
- Cusp of releasing the EIS to the public; key environmental issues
- Potomac Yard 235 acres – new development/neighborhoods/growth in prime core of the Washington D.C. area
- The each alternative for the metro station are presented and is available online
- Alternative B does fall on a scenic easement – owned by City/National Park Service
- Alternatives are in the EIS
- National Park Service is reviewing document; should be released in a few weeks
- Scenic easement would be public/not needed for station and be given to the National Park Service (Alternative B)
- Upgrades to Daingerfield Island
- Expensive project but Potomac Yard metro is being paid for by redevelopment in Potomac Yard; taxes raised in fund and bond issued against fund. Once city services are paid for, extra revenue to the pot. Virgina/Federal funding and loans ($50 million from Virginia) and seek another $70 million, second ranking of all projects in NOVA.
- Alternative B brings a great deal of money to city after the station is paid for
- In-fill stations have proven to pay for themselves and bring in more development (office space)(commercial taxes)
- No parking/kiss-ride
- WMATA will have to vote to approve the station – confident that WMATA will support the station
- Open Houses will be held after the EIS
- Decision made in 2016/Opening in 2018/19.
- Ben Flood – Oakville Triangle
- Half way through the advisory process
- Available on website “Oakville Triangle” – Del Ray Citizens website link
- Building heights have been discussed/little taller than Fire Station
- Two 90 ft buildings planned/lots of pushback against that proposal
- Lynnhaven – 55ft tall building – lots of concern
- Upcoming meeting – March 26, 2015, Rec Center – Architecture primarily discussed and Mount Jefferson Park
- Announcements
- Saturday Social Event – 4PM-7PM; Del Ray Pizzeria – MARCH 21, 2015, BE THERE; Special Discounts for DRCA Members
- DRCA Chili Cook Off raised over $700 for Mount Vernon Playground
- Lots of stuff going on at Del Ray Artisans – check out their website
- First Thursday – Hat Day in Del Ray; April, starting early this year.
- I take excellent notes
Meeting adjourned at 9:13PM