Membership Meeting Minutes-November 10, 2021

November 2021 DRCA Membership Meeting

  • Call to order and welcome, 7:02- President Tim Laderach
  • Alexandria Police Department-Captain Dennis Andreas
    • Good news: City-wide Part 1 crime down 6%
    • Burglaries have leveled out but early in year were high
    • Del Ray crime down 31% YTD
    • Four Part 1: 3 larcenies and burglaries
      • E Monroe shoplifting
      • 6 crimes at GW middle school
      • SRO in school, students are reporting incidents
    • Traffic
      • North-south routes speeding is a problem
    • Turkey Trot
      • Prepare for road closures
    • December 1
      • Registration decals, HOV enforcements resume, checking expired drivers licenses
  • Alexandria Sheriff’s Office-Captain Sean Casey
    • ASO Overview: Jails, protect courthouse, civil process (eviction notices, serving process), same powers as APD)
    • Blankets for Awareness (Domestic Violence, Breast Cancer Awareness), hung in windows at former Bean Creative (MVA and Del Ray Ave)
    • Drug take-back program. 351 lbs unwanted meds collected. Not every pharmacy can accept unwanted med.
    • Six new deputies sworn in
    • Tim: Congrats to Capt. Casey on this month’s election win.
  • Land Use Committee-Kristine Hesse
    • ASUP for Matt & Tony’s (in former Charlie’s on the Avenue/Fireflies space at MVA and Nelson
      • Proposed hours: 7am-12mid (breakfast lunch and dinner)
      • Ask: Roof screening
      • How to unload and take deliveries (with bus stop in front of restaurant)
      • Expanded outdoor seating (Covid demonstrated appeal and need)
      • Ask: Improve Landscaping needed (since Charlies closed, neglected)
      • Motion from Committee to support ASUP
      • Motion carries
  • Presentation on Development (old Safeway site at MVA and Glebe)
    • Plan to construct a multi-phase, all affordable mixed-use community with approximately 475-units at 221 West Glebe Road, 3606, 3610, 3612 and 3700 Mt Vernon Avenue.
    • Project Fact sheet
  • New business
    • Possible DRCA Sponsorship of local BSA troop- Kevin Jahns
    • 131 Troop with 40 active scouts
    • Some adult volunteers
    • First Baptist/King St (85 years old)
    • Scouts BS “Boy unit”
    • Can’t meet at First Baptist
    • Want to keep meeting at Del Ray United Methodist
    • Source of volunteer labor for neighborhood projects
    • “DRCA Scouts BSA Troop 131”
    • Motion: DRCA if needed, we support request for sponsorship, a “pre-approval”
    • Motion carries
  • Announcements
    •  DRCA
      • Holiday House Decorating Competition
      • Collaborating with DRBA
      • Houses, but also businesses
      • 12/10 deadline to enter
    • DRBA
      • Turkey Trot
        • 11/25 (road closures)
        • Expecting 5K runners
      • Holiday Pole Decorating
        • Looking for volunteers. More Info TBA
      • Tree/Menorah Lighting (12/5)
      • Candy Cane Bar Crawl (12/11)
      • Small Business Saturday (11/27)
      • Ladies Night Out (shopping event. More info TBA)
      • Windows festively painted in businesses along the Avenue coming soon.
  • Adjourned:8:28