Membership Meeting Minutes-May 11, 2022

  1. Welcome, Tim Laderach, DRCA President
    1. Thanks to Board and members for the support of the first DRCA GardenFest and this year’s Rebuilding Together Alexandria event
  2. Alexandria Police Report: Captain Dennis Andreas
    1. Crime: Familiar story: Citywide 6% increase, driven by larcenies and stole autos, but Del Ray sees a decrease.
      1. Series of stolen auto (4 in 2022),  2 from Hyundai dealership
    2. Traffic 38 stops last month (lower than last year)
      1. Midnight AFD group running a DUI operation
    3. National Police Week, May 15-May 21
  3. Alexandria Sheriff’s Office, Sheriff Sean Casey
    1. ASO Overview (Alexandria jail, courthouse, serving process, secondary law enforcement)
    2. Secondary law enforcement role example: ASO presence at Ukrainian Book Signing
    3. Covid risk in jails: Congregate setting inside detention center
  4. Land Use Committee, Kris Hesse, Land Use Chair
    1. Kevin Reilly of Alexandria Hyundai submitted an SUP request for parking lot use extension for 20 years, tied with business financing (electric cars, TVs)
      1. Proposal includes adding public Level 3 charging station in south lot that provides full charge 18 minutes on Ionic (example), compared to Level 2 station that needs 4-8 hours.
      2. Under the Electrify America program(fueled by VW scandal)
      3. Motion from LUC
      4. Majority of members voted in favor of motion. Vote later declared invalid since a quorum could not be verified.
  5. Parks Committee, Peter Garafola
    1. No Update
  6. Special Guest, Daniel Medina, Program Manager, City of Alexandria’s Flood Action Program
    2. Highlighted some of the big projects in the works (Two in Four Mile Run watershed, one in Hooff’s Run watershed) plus some 30 spot improvement projects in the neighborhoods.
    3. Thanked DRCA’s own Katie Waynick for her work on Ad Hoc Stormwater Utility and Flood Mitigation Advisory Group
    4. We never know what we’ll find when we dig
    5. Questions (highlights)
      1. Biggest challenge?
        1. Finding the unknown underground. It’s an old city (1749) with not fully documented infrastructure.
      2. Ability to change/influence LU ordinances?
        1. Dillon-rule state limits what City can do.
      3. Enforce approved permitted construction?
        1. What happens when owners change mind after permits issued?
  7.  Announcements
    1. DRCA needs you!
      1. Vacancies on slate for Board positions
        1. VP
        2. CIO
        3. Secretary
      2. BOLO Survey for membership regarding future meetings:
        1. Virtual, in person, hybrid?
        2. Another night at church (Wednesdays is no longer available?
        3. Another venue to suggest?
      3. GardenFest
        1. Ideas for improvement for next year? Send to Rachel, [email protected]
    2. City Seeking Community Feedback on Safety Improvements on Mount Vernon Avenue North
      1. Public comment online comments open until June 5, 2022
    3. Del Ray Business Association
        1. Del Ray vs Old Town Softball Game
          1. May 26 at 6pm at Simpson Field (in back)
          2. May 23, bartender competition (fundraiser for Alexandria Little League)
        2. First Thursday
          1. June 2: “Unmask Your Superhero”
        3. Taste of Del Ray
          1. VIP Reception, June 2 (ticketed event)
          2. Event continues rest of weekend (June 3-5)
        4. Well Ray
          1. June 11, 9-10
          2. More info to follow
  8. Adjournment