LUC May 10 Agenda

The following items are on the Land Use Committee’s agenda for its May 10th meeting at the Mt. Vernon Rec Center at 7 pm. All are welcome to attend and provide comments. The cases will be voted on at the May 11th DRCA membership meeting. a. 113 E. Custis Ave SUB 2016-003. 7:10 – 7:40 Read More …

Membership Meeting Minutes-March 9, 2016

Call to order, 7:33 pm Agenda Items Welcome Alexandria Police Report Del Ray House & Garden Tour Update Ad Hoc North Potomac Yard Advisory Group La Bella Strada Funding Request Land Use Committee Report Meeting Date Move 220KV Power Line Update Parking Meeting Follow-up Nominations & Elections Committee Report Announcements

Proposed Bylaws Available

The Bylaws committee is publishing a draft set of proposed changes to the association’s bylaws. We will have a brief discussion at this month’s meeting prior to additional discussion and a vote at a future membership meeting. DRCA_Bylaws_draft_for_member_review